Multiple drug resistant TB

What is drug-resistant TB?

There are times when TB germs are “resistant” to one or more of the TB medicines most often prescribed by doctors. This means that the medicines are not able to kill the TB germs. Drug-resistant TB can develop if people with active TB take their medicine incorrectly, or if they have not been given the right dosages of TB medicines. When this happens, combinations of other (second line) TB medicines have to be given to the patient. These medicines are not as effective and have to be taken much longer.
A person with untreated drug-resistant TB of the lungs or throat can spread drug-resistant germs to other people. Drug-resistant TB can take much longer to cure than regular TB.
Can Multi Drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) be cured?
Yes. Even Multi Drug resistant TB can be cured. However, the patient will have to take treatment for a longer duration which can extend up to two years or even more, (depending on the resistance pattern found in the germ according to various test results).
Are there other forms of TB which are even worse than MDR-TB?
Yes. There are even worse forms, like Extensively Drug resistant (XDR) TB and TDR-TB, in which there is resistance to second line TB drugs as well.

Why is MDR-TB difficult to cure?

MDR-TB treatment depends on the lesser effective drugs (as compared to the first line anti TB medications). Thus, the treatment duration is much longer (=2 years) as compared to that with the first line antiTB agents. These medications are costlier and are less well tolerated in view of there side effect profile.
What is the cost involved in treating sensitive and drug resistant TB?
For Drug Sensitive TB treatment for a duration of 6 months, the total cost ranges from Rs.4,000- 8,000 (including medications and investigations).
Whereas for a drug resistant TB treatment, the costRs.10.000 per month for approx. 6 months (intensive phase) followed by Rs.5000 per month for around 1-1.5 years (continuation phase).

What is the burden of MDR-TB in India?

The MDR-TB prevalence is estimated to be 2.3 per cent among new cases and 12-17 per cent among re-treatment cases according to WHO estimates. However, we have to keep in mind that, this does not include patients treated by the private practitioners.